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Public Funds Act – ZJS-1) (Official Gazette of RS, No. 77/08 and 8/10 – National Farm Land and Forest Fund Act (ZSKZ-B))

This Act provides for the establishment of a public fund, earmarked capital, management, managing of earmarked capital, monitoring and other content, related to the operation of the public fund


Official Gazette of RS, No.  77/08


The Act Regulating Supportive Environment for Entrepreneurship

These laws provide for measures to promote the development and establishment of enterprises.


Official Gazette of RS, No.  102/0757/12 and 82/13


Venture Capital Companies Act


Official Gazette of RS, No.  92/07 in 57/09


Instrument of constitution of the Public Fund of Republic of Slovenia for Entrepreneurship

The instrument of constitution consists of the specific purpose, name, headquarters of the Fund, the value of earmarked capital, competence of the authorities and other contents of the Fund, determined by the laws.

Official Gazette of RS, No. 112/0411/0743/08 in 71/09

Terms and conditions of the Fund

They specify the criteria for determining the beneficiaries of state aid, criteria for determining the dedicated use of state aid and the content of the rights and obligations of the Fund and beneficiaries on the basis of allocated state aid.

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