The Slovene Enterprise Fund, in collaboration with the Ministry of the Economy, Tourism, and Sports, is once again preparing incentives for micro-enterprises in the wood industry this year. These enterprises will be able to receive non-refundable grants ranging from 15,000 to 70,000 euros. The call, worth 1.5 million euros, is expected to be published on June 7, 2024, in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia and on the Fund’s website.

This year, the emphasis will again be on projects that enable further development and sustainable growth of micro-enterprises in an environmentally friendly manner, in line with the principles of the circular economy.

The call will be available to micro-enterprises with a minimum of one and a maximum of ten employees in the wood processing industry, which introduce products and services in the field of wood use to the market and have their main registered activity within section C16 and section C31.

Co-financing of eligible costs related to investments in the modernization of new technological equipment, business digitalization for the needs of the technological wood processing process, and the transition to a low-carbon, circular, and climate-neutral economy, will amount to a maximum of 60%, with the remainder to be provided by the beneficiaries.

The call will have two application deadlines, namely: July 4, 2024, and September 2, 2024.

All detailed conditions of the call will be specified in the call documentation.

Slovene Enterprise Fund

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