SEF offer guarantees in the form of:
- Guarantees for bank loans with interest rate subsidy
A credit, which is secured by SEFs guarantee within this product , is more favourable for enterprises due to lower collateral requirements, lower interest rates, maturity of the credit and the possibility of a grace period for repayment of the credit as well as no extra costs for the approval of the guarantee. Enterprises that obtain a credit within this product at one of the participating banks, have the possibility of obtaining a guarantee in the framework of the three credit – guarantee lines, whic include:
– the possibility to cecure classic projects
– the possibility to cesure technologicallly innovative projects
– the possibility gto secure trade activities
A successful application of SEF for the acquisition of the counter-guarantee under the COSME – EU The programme for the Competitivenees of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises for the period 2014-2020, provides even more tendered quotas for the next three years within the framework of the guarantee product.
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